To the issue of legislative regulation of carrying out of operational search measures "premises survey"

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The given paper is devoted to the study of legislative regulation of conditions of carrying out of operational search measures «premises survey» as a type of operational search measures «premises, buildings, facilities, vantage grounds and vehicles survey». The urgency of the study is due to the fact that, in accordance with part 1 of art. 5 of the Federal Law «On operational search activities» bodies (officials), carrying out operational search activities, during surveys must ensure the human and civil right to inviolability of dwelling. The authors of the article also pay particular attention to the classification of conditions of operational search actions. The current problems are presented and discussed by the authors based on their scientific experience and practical activities in operational divisions of internal affairs agencies, including their personal participation in the preparation and carrying out of these operational search measures.


Operational search activity, premises survey

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IDR: 142232716

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