The quality of wheat grain in the circumstances of crop disease control

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The efficiency of the application of the updated chemicals (fungicides) in the formation of grain quality in the crops of the Omskaya 36 variety was studied under the conditions of the southern forest-steppe of the Omsk Region in 2014 and 2015. The following quality indices were studied: thousand-kernel weight, grain-unit and protein and gluten content in the grain from 9 variants of crop treatment with different fungicides and from the control variant (no treatment). The grain quality class was evaluated based on the complex of 3 indicators regulated by the state standard GOST R. Both years were favorable for the development of crop diseases. It was found that in 2014 the grain obtained from the variants with fungicide treatment exceeded the control in thou-sand-kernel weight, grain-unit and yield, except for protein content. In 2015, the intensive variant exceeded the control in all studied indices. Mainly the grain of the 4th and 5th quality classes was obtained on both years from the control variant; the 2nd and 3rd quality classes were obtained from the trial variants. On the average, the maximum increase of the indices was achieved by the use of the chemicals Rex S + Vitaplan, and the minimum increase - by the crop treatment with Impact 500. The authors concluded that owing to the fungicide treatment of wheat crops the increase in earnings from the grain sales in 2014 made 13400 rubles per ha, and 26725 rubles per ha in 2015; by 58.4 % and 177.3 %, respectively. Of the seven drugs studied, the greatest sales revenue was obtained by combined treatment with the fungicides Rex S and Vitaplan, 44500 rubles per ha; the least revenue was obtained by the treatment with Impact 500 which made 31410 rubles per ha.


Grain quality, spring soft wheat, fungicides, sowing variants, quality class evaluation, sales revenue

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IDR: 142199267

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