Staff starvation in the catering industry, causes and ways to minimize it

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In speeches of economists, political scientists, sociologists and employers the term “staffing famine” has been frequently used recently. This topic has become particularly acute during the Covid-19 pandemic and after the start of the special military operation in Ukraine. This article will assess how urgent this topic really is, whether it is an objective circumstance caused by insurmountable economic prerequisites, or whether it is a subjective factor associated with the unwillingness or inability of individual managers to organize competent work to attract, train and create attractive conditions for employees. The method of information collection will be the analysis of freely available data, as well as surveys of current and former employees of the catering sector and managers of establishments.


Staff hunger, personnel, employees, staff shortage, wages

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IDR: 170206974   |   DOI: 10.24412/2500-1000-2024-10-3-42-45

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