What specialist is in demand in the labor market: opinion of employers and students

Автор: Merenkov A.V., Shavrin V.S.

Журнал: Университетское управление: практика и анализ @umj-ru

Рубрика: Обсуждаем проблему

Статья в выпуске: 1, 2015 года.

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The article falls under a research category and aims at unveiling general and peculiar characteristics of students'' and employers'' views on a young specialist that is in demand at the labor market at present. The reason for preparing this article is the necessity to find out the degree of similarity between the ideas of students and requirements posed by company directors with the aim of improving professional training of young specialists. Aims and objectives are achieved on the basis of methodology used to study the system of professional orientation determination by the specialization and content of the knowledge, skills and competencies acquired during study from the lecturers as well as by students'' own efforts to adapt successfully to modern labor market requirements. Receiving information from different sources about specialist skills desired by employers students organize their practical training themselves. However ideas appearing during study at the university might not coincide with requirements of real-life employers. Therefore we face the need to study and compare opinion of company executives and those who would apply for employment in a couple of years concerning what is in demand at the labor market. Questionnaires and in-depth interviews allow for obtaining information about most wide - spread ideas on what is essential for a young specialist as seen by both types of respondents as well as explanation of levels of importance of certain indicators measuring the extent to which a young specialist is ready to work in a modern company. The research shows that there is a partial (about 30 %) overlap of students'' ideas and employers'' requirements. Students do not fully realize the importance of knowing advanced technologies and equipment used abroad and by national companies; continuous self-study and discipline; ability to work with texts written in foreign languages; possession of profound theoretical knowledge; ability to attract orders for the company. Based on that we suggest substantial changes in the content of the teaching process. It should rely more on inclusion of students starting from the first year into the study of real-life companies where they might come to work, as well as on participation of students in designing and implementing different innovations at the companies. Further research related to demand for graduates at the labor market might be firstly devoted to formulating more detailed requirements from employers representing different branches of public economy. Secondly it might address the topic of involving individual companies and organizations in implementing more effective methods of upgrading competitiveness of young specialists. The article describes practical recommendations related to involving students into ongoing activities of the companies and organizations starting from 3 rd year of study, organizing lectures and workshops conducted by lecturers involved in business and industry. It is necessary to provide students with competencies allowing for finding solutions to practical tasks facing different employers as a result of developing technology, changing work environment. It is suggested to sign agreements with companies allowing students and lecturers provide academic support of all new technologies introduced in the companies in the nearest 3-4 years. The novelty of the article is firstly in the comparative data covering students'' and employers'' understanding of what young specialist is in demand at present (2014) at a major industrial region of Middle Urals. Secondly, the article provides recommendations on changing the system of student training by means of their inclusion into real-life challenges related to individual companies and organizations. Study of each discipline should be conducted on the basis of cooperation with certain type of employers. The importance of the article lies in unveiling real challenges faced by universities aiming at upgrading competitiveness of young specialists and making them more adequate to employers'' requirements.


Young specialist, students, employers, labor market requirements

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/142140197

IDR: 142140197

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