The Lithic industry of Upper Paleolithic location Derbina V (Krasnoyarsk reservoir)

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The origin and development of upper Paleolithic type industries at the Middle Yenisey basin is one of the Siberian Paleolith study key problems. The Late Karga locations group of the Derbina bay, situated at the north part of the Krasnoyarsk reservoir (Derbina IV, V, Ust-Maltat I, II, Pokrovka I, II ) is of a special interest. Currently, it is one of the earliest examples of upper Paleolithic industries at the exploring region. The article is devoted to the stone industry analysis of the Derbina V location. The basement for initial splitting is the system of blade production from the flat and volumetric monoplatform and biplatform, monofrontal and bifrontal cores. Considerable portions of edge-faceted splitting and microsplitting are presented. End-scrapers, leaf-shaped bifaces, points, based on blade blanks, long-section and cross-section side-scrapers, pebble tools are the main tool categories. Initial splitting technique, morphology and typology of the Derbina V tool collection make it possible to refer this industry to the Ust-Karakol development way, allocated within the community bounds of Early Upper Paleolithic industries of South Siberia.


The middle yenisey, derbina bay, upper paleolith, stone industry, stone inventory, tool collection

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IDR: 14737312

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