
Автор: Hakimov Sh.K., Аrzebekova U.А., Rаbiеvа B.Т., Маhмudоvа B.Sh., Pаtidinоvа D.

Журнал: Re-health journal.

Рубрика: Нервные болезни

Статья в выпуске: 1, 2019 года.

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Under observation was found 20 post maturely born. Checking was 40 newborn similar age. It was studied delay nervously-psychic development in speaker at first six months to life’s. Revealed reduction or disappearance unconditional reflex beside post mature born that is indicative of presence of the defeat main and cervical division spinal brain.

Newborn, unconditional reflex, katamnesis

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IDR: 14124976

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