Keynesian and neoclassical view on the role of fiscal policy in the development of macroeconomic processes

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The article examines the view of the classics of economic theory on the role of fiscal policy in the development of macroeconomic processes, where the main classic was J. Keynes, who reflected the elements of the analysis of the general functioning of the economy and substantiated important macroeconomic directions of government regulation. This theory proves the need to create “effective demand” in the form of conditions to ensure the sale of manufactured products through the influence of various methods of government regulation. And also put forward the theory of monetarism, developed by the American economist, professor at the University of Chicago M. Friedman, an adherent of the idea of free market, proposes to limit the role of the state only to those activities that no one else can carry out: regulation of money in circulation. There is also a focus on reducing taxes.


Keynesian theory, regulation of money, government regulation, money supply, central bank reserves

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 170207288   |   DOI: 10.24412/2500-1000-2024-9-4-53-58

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