Ceramic complex of layer 3 at the Kutarei River Mouth site (North Angara region)

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Purpose. Although the North Angara region has been investigated since the 18 century, most intensive archaeological works began in 2008-2011, during the rescue archaeological works in the area of Boguchany hydroelectric power station. One of the prospective sites is the Kutarei River Mouth archaeological site. Our paper provides a brief analysis of the ceramic complex discovered at the site. The main goal of this work is to describe the specificity of ceramic materials from Layer 3 of the Kutarei River Mouth site using planigraphics data in the context of new data of this region. We introduce an unpublished collection of ceramics of Layer 3, which in comparison with stone industry significantly extends the source base of the Neolithic and Bronze Age in this region. Results. The Kutarei River Mouth site is located on the left bank of the Angara river, 15 km lower Kezhma town, on the right bank of the Kutarei River. The location was found in 1974 by N. I. Drozdov's squad. The site was later investigated in 2008 and in 2010 by the IAE SB RAS squad under the supervision of A. N. Savin. Firstly, the site was determined as a Neolithic location, but as a result of 2010 excavations three Neolithic-middle age cultural horizons were discovered. In the context of excavation difficulties, namely an open location character, a low stratigraphy situation, the materials of Layer 3 are most prospective due to a high grade of artifact saturation and minimal technogenic interruptions. Conclusion. According to the character of the materials collected, we distinguished two complexes (horizons) in Layer 3. Our technical and typological analysis shows that the two complexes differ. Complex 1 is considered to belong to a late Neolithic period. While Complex 1 includes the ceramics of ust'-bel'sky and posol'sky types and textile with different ornaments, Complex 2 has only Neolithic textile (predominately) ceramics. Among analogies there are sites from Angara (Gora Kutarei, Pashina, Ust'-Kova I) and Yenisey (Unyuk, Eleneva cave) region. We plan to compare ceramic materials with the stone industry from layer 3 of the site with the materials from other Kutarei sites, such as Sen'kin (Sinii) Kamen', Ruchei Povarny, Gora Kutarei and adjacent territories, to analyse anthropological material found under layer 3. It will help us to reveal more cultural and chronological links among the artifacts. We emphasize that complexes of mixed character always need an individual approach without rushing to conclusions.


North angara region, neolithic, metal age, ceramic complex, kutarei river mouth site, layers of "compression" character

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/147219820

IDR: 147219820   |   DOI: 10.25205/1818-7919-2017-16-7-84-89

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