Key tendencies in the evolution of the US Indo-Pacific strategy

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The article is aimed at finding current key trends shaping the development of the United States’ Indo-Pacific strategy. The author dwells in detail on the changing nature of US relations with its traditional allies and other countries in the region, noting that the dominant paradigm driving this relationship is the US intention to keep containing the People’s Republic of China. The analysis of the trends also reveals some of the obstacles that limit the development of a more comprehensive Indo-Pacific strategy.

Indo-pacific region, us strategy, containment of china, traditional allies, regional security architecture, people's republic of china, world community

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 170193269

Список литературы Key tendencies in the evolution of the US Indo-Pacific strategy

  • Fact Sheet: President Biden and G7 Leaders Launch Build Back Better World (B3W) Partnership // The White House. - URL:
  • Huasheng Z. Assessing the Trend of the Indo-Pacific Strategy // Russian International Affairs Council. - URL:
  • Indo-Pacific Strategy of the United States // The White House. - URL:
  • Memorandum of Agreement China and Philippines // Tsunami and Disaster Mitigation Research Center (TDMRC). - URL:
  • U.S. - Japan Joint Leaders' Statement: "U.S. - JAPAN GLOBAL PARTNERSHIP FOR A NEW ERA" // The White House. - URL:,promotion%20of%20inclusive%20economic%20prosperity.
  • Маркова Ю.И. Политические противоречия как система причин американо-китайской "торговой войны" в XXI веке // Социосфера. - 2019. - №4. - С. 119-121.
  • США сняли ограничения на дальность полета южнокорейских ракет // Интерфакс. - URL:
  • Таиланд закупает китайские БТР VN1 // Военное Обозрение. - URL:
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