Subtitled films as didactic aid in foreign language learning

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The author examines subtitled films as a didactic aid in language learning. The aim is to characterize subtitled films as a didactic material and to determine their usability and effectiveness. The applied research methods include general theory methods such as fact finding, analysis, classification, and deduction. The study describes the types of subtitles and briefly characterizes the work with each type accordingly. It is stated that interlingual subtitles are more efficient for beginners, whereas intralingual subtitles are considered of more appropriate and efficient use for upper-intermediate and advanced learners. Bilingual subtitles in language learning are yet to be studied. The general merits and demerits of subtitling in foreign language learning are analysed. Intentional and unintentional ways of foreign language learning are briefly presented. The conclusion is that watching subtitled films for language learning is multitasking. Multitasking fosters learning and memorizing which explains why subtitled films are supereffective didactic materials.


Audiovisual didactic materials, subtitles, bilingual subtitles, language learning, intentional and unintentional language learning, interlingual subtitles, intralingual subtitles

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 14116857

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