Sinification of Buddhism and overcoming limiting factors using the principles of soft power and stratagems

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The article is devoted to the sinification of Buddhism and overcoming limiting factors using the principles of soft power and stratagems in China. The process of Buddhism’s entry into China in the 1st century AD and its subsequent adaptation to local traditions underwent many difficulties and obstacles. It is emphasized that the clash of Indian Buddhism with Chinese culture and opposition to local teachings complicated the adaptation process. We focus on the specific type of thinking of the Chinese, their principles of soft power and stratagems. It is shown that the translation activity of Buddhist sutras in China faced considerable difficulties, one of the reasons for which was the specificity of the Chinese language. We have analyzed the geyi method, which gently directed efforts to finding goals and solving problems in translation practice, and helped to adapt Indian Buddhism in Chinese society. It has been revealed that thanks to the principles of soft power and stratagems, the Chinese found salvation through a more pragmatic and prudent way - the Mahayana way, which would become a profitable solution for the conflict with local teachings. We emphasize the important role of the principles of soft power and stratagems in the successful adaptation of Buddhist teaching in Chinese society.


Stratagems, soft power, buddhism, pragmatism, prudence, mahayana, hinayana, geyi method, confucianism, taoism

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IDR: 148329885   |   DOI: 10.18101/1994-0866-2024-3-64-70

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