Classification of monolithic structures by the degree of massiveness

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The paper analyzes statutory, technical, and scientific literature on the applicable classifications of monolithic structures by the degree of massiveness. It reveals that the most applicable classifications are based on such massiveness characteristic as the surface modulus. At the same time, all the considered classifications do not coincide with each other in the ranges of surface modulus values. Some sources argue that classification should take into account several other parameters in addition to the surface modulus. Moreover, no literature sources define the term “massiveness”. The paper proves that the massiveness parameter is of natural origin and changes harmoniously in natural conditions with changing climatic conditions. It shows that the harmony of nature is closely related to the harmony of the golden section using the golden section concept in classifying structures by the degree of massiveness. The research findings show that cube-type structures have three degrees of massiveness (massive, medium-massive, and non-massive), while column (beams) or slab (walls) type structures have only two degrees of massiveness (medium-massive, non-massive). Each degree of massiveness of a particular structure type has its own range of changes in the surface modulus.


Cold-weather concreting, massiveness, surface modulus, golden section

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 147246048   |   DOI: 10.14529/build240407

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