The classification of modern Buryat shamans

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In 1990-2000 we could observe great rise of interest to the religion on the territory of ethnic Buryatia. Many structural changes took place in the religious picture of republic Buryatia in the sphere of shamanism since 1990. Harsh rise in public importance of religion in general and shamanism in particular; first registered shamans' associations appeared, legal state of Buryat shamanism changed (it was recognized as religion), shaman organizations and their leaders started to take part in political and social life of the Republic, the image of Buryat shaman also changed, shamans of «new generation» appeared apart from traditional one's. The author of this article made an attempt to characterize Buryat shamanism and to present his idea about the classification of its representatives. We divided modern Buryat shamans to traditional and not-traditional. To traditional shamans we relate shamans of «older generation» and orthodox shamans. In its turn shamans of «older generation» are also divided into real shamans and people who heal or tell fortunes. Orthodox shamans - shamans of new generation who appeared in the beginning of 1990. Neoshamans are related to not-traditional shamans.


Buryats, shamanism, shaman, shamanic descent (udha), tradition, transformation, classification, neoshamans

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