The cluster analysis of grades of the soft spring-sown wheat on elements of the crop structure in the southern forest-steppe of Western Siberia

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The article is devoted to the application of the cluster analysis for an assessment of grades of a soft spring-sown wheat on elements of structure of a crop of Supervision were carried out in 2012-2014 on a small experimental field of Omsk state agricultural university by the technique of the state strain testing 12 grades of various groups of ripe-ness underwent research. As a result of researches it was shown that the cluster analysis allowed divid-ing grades on a complex of valuable signs into groups. In three years carrying out research of a grade it was shown by various values of elements of structure of a crop that led to clusters formation. For all years of researches it is possible to observe groups of grades in three clusters, but in structure of each cluster changes from year to year, depend-ing on climatic factors. In each cluster grades are grouped depending on quantitative signs of struc-ture of a crop and their interaction with each other. In general, all studied grades in three years of re-searches showed good values of productivity and elements of efficiency, were especially allocated on productivity of a grade of mid-season group - the Duet - 2.50 t/hectare and OMGAU of 90 - 2.47 t/hectare. On stability of the characteristics it is possible to allocate grades the Sonata and OMGAU 90; they for all the time of researches have had good and high rates and in all years have been grouped in one cluster. Thus, as a result of our work it is possible to draw a conclusion that all grades possess rather good indicators and the cluster analysis of grades of a soft spring-sown wheat allowed to allocate the groups of plants sur-passing parental forms in an optimum set of eco-nomic and valuable signs that will allow to conduct selection of valuable forms more purposefully.


Cluster analysis, grades, soft spring-sown wheat, southern forest-steppe, dendrogram

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IDR: 14084653

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