Clinical features of the course of celiacia in children

Автор: Arzibekov Abdikodir Gulyamovich, Umarova Mukaddashon Abdukodirovna, Akbarova Rano Mirzarabovna, Sobirova Nargiza Ravshanbek Kizi

Журнал: Re-health journal.

Рубрика: Педиатрия

Статья в выпуске: 3,2 (7), 2020 года.

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The syndrome of impaired intestinal absorption develops in many pathological conditions and is characterized by similar clinical signs, which creates certain differential diagnostic difficulties and often leads to a late correct diagnosis. The most common form of malabsorption syndrome is celiac disease, which occurs in the European population with a frequency of 1: 500 to 1: 3000. The study revealed the possibility of using the level of antigliadin antibodies for the differential diagnosis of celiac disease with other forms of malabsorption, even with a moderate increase. The relationship between the timing of the onset of the disease, the rapidity of the development of symptoms, the degree of impaired physical development and the level of antigliadin antibodies has been described, which makes it possible1 to use these insufficiently specific parameters in a complex for differential diagnosis.


Celiac disease, rehabilitation, childhood and adolescence, pediatrics

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 14125486   |   DOI: 10.24411/2181-0443/2020-10115

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