A D. E. Kharitonov's collection of permanent slides of spiders (Arachnida, Araneae). Part 1. Family Dictynidae

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A collection of the permanent slides containing fragments of dictynid spiders (stored in Canadian balsam), deposited at the Department of Invertebrate Zoology and Aquatic Ecology, Perm State University, is described. The basis of a collection comprises series of slides prepared by D.E. Kharitonov during the first half of XX century. Totally, 61 slides contain the body parts of 62 spider specimens collected from various regions of Russia (50 specimens), Azerbaijan (2 specimens), Georgia (2 specimens), Ukraine (4 specimens) and Uzbekistan (4 specimens). Overall, 15 species were revealed on the slides, with one (female Lathys sp. from Altai), uncertain identity. The collection examined contain a holotype and a paratype of Kharitonovia uzbekistanica (Charitonov, 1946). The key characters for ten species were illustrated with color and black-and-white photographs: Archaeodictyna minutissima (Miller, 1958) (male palpa), Argenna subnigra (O.P.-Cambridge, 1861) (epigyne), Dictyna arundinacea (Linnaeus, 1758) (epigyne), D. ottoi Marasik et Koponen, 2017 (epigyne), D. pusilla Thorell, 1856 (male palpa, epigyne), D. uncinata Thorell, 1856 (male palpa, epigyne), Dictynomorpha strandi Spassky, 1939 (epigyne), Emblyna brevidens (Kulczynski, 1897) (male palpa, epigyne), E. mitis (Thorell, 1875) (male palpa, epigyne) and Lathys sp. (epigyne). The misidenti-fication of Dictyna armata Thorell, 1875 for Georgia, suggested by Marasik and Koponen (2017), has been proven. The record of D. armata by Kulczynski (1895) actually refers to the closely related species D. ottoi. Emblyna brevidens (Kulczynski, 1897) was recorded for the Urals fauna for the first time. Some earlier misidentifications have been corrected. Such include: all records of Emblyna annulipes (Blackwall, 1846) for the Urals and the CisUrals in fact belong to E. mitis; all Ural records of Lathys humilis (Blackwall, 1855) are erroneous and in fact belong to L. heterophthalma Kulczynski, 1891; the record of the D. pusilla for the Chelyabinsk Region by Azheganova (1968: Figures 74-75) in fact belong to E. brevidens. For dictynid females, three new terms are proposed for description of parts of the copulatory (insemination) ducts: the proximal part (pCD) - the section immediately adjacent to the recep-tacule; the distal part (dCD) - the section opening outward and serving for the penetration of the male embolus; the median part (mCD) - the section located between dCD and pCD. Presence of these parts, as well as their form and location are vary significantly in different dictinid's genera. These features allow to specify and formalize the diagnoses for genera and groups of species.


Dictynidae, collection, permanent slide, new records

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/147204835

IDR: 147204835

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