Komi verbal adjectives with suffix -ca in context of the Volga-Kama language contacts

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A marginal group of verbal adjectives of the Komi language traditionally connected with the Udmurt adverbial particles on -ca as a result of the common- Permian innovation, is considered. On the basis of the analysis of grammatical and semantic properties of the Komi and Udmurt formations on -ca the conclusion on their separate origin is made. A new hypothesis about the migratory character of their origin in the Komi language is postulated, whereas the Udmust adverbial particles on -ca are connected with Turkic (Chuvash) influence.

Permian languages, language contacts, verbal adjective, participle, adverbial participle, borrowing, suffix -са

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/14992685

IDR: 14992685

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