Communicants in the speech organization of private letters

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The article is devoted to the epistolary communications. By the examples of Russian classicsʼ letters (А. Pushkin, L. Tolstoy, I. Turgenev, A. Chekhov), the epistolary I in speech organization of private letters is considered. The peculiarity of the epistolary communications is that the subject of speech and the author are the same; the convertibility of the author and the reader is found in the reversibility of process, when I becomes YOU in the speech of someone who, in turn, designates himself as I, i.e. the dialogical condition that determines the person, is kept. The another characteristic feature of epistolary I is the openness of author’s intentions expressed in calling for a real interlocutor.


Epistolary text, author's i, epistolary communication, illocutions, personal pronouns, author's nomination

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