Communication strategy in A. Ponizovsky’s novel «Turning into a listening ear»

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Consideration of the literary text as a result of creative speech activity makes it possible to speak about its communicative function. In the aspect of artistic communication reading and comprehension of narrative text is an implementation of productive communicative process between an author and a reader. In the novel of contemporary writer Anton Ponizovsky «Turning into a Listening Ear» the deepening of communicative counterpoint is done by changing of narrators. The narrators often represent diametrically opposed linguistic personalities. Events and facts of the considered composition fades into the background, giving way to their interpretations and evaluations. Thus the communicative situation «character - listener» is projected on the situation «author - reader», correlating by that the author's concept with the reader’s reception. In addition, multi-level communication, during which the message is subjected to a polemical interpretation, introduces the social-psychological novel’s conflict into the space of ontological problems.


Communication strategy, narrator, character, author, reader, a. ponizovsky, "turning into a listening ear"

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 148183336   |   DOI: 10.18101/1994-0866-2016-2-109-116

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