Communicative specificities of the dialect speech genre “reminiscence story”

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The article discusses one of the key genres of dialect speech - a “reminiscence story”. Speech genres are forms of communication as well as culture on the whole. The purpose of the research is to identify communicative specificities of the genre, which are influenced by the sphere of communication and are marked by the cultural worldview. The article also reveals the multi-level linguistic means that can be used to actualize those features. In particular, the opposition between two time layers (the “before”-layer and the “now”-layer) forms the basis of the dialect reminiscence story and introduces an axiological component into the text. This opposition is formed by both lexical and grammatical means. Speech realization through means of different linguistic levels is typical of other communicative peculiarities of the genre, i.e. when using concretization units, and also when connecting individual experience to the collective memory.


Communicative dialectology, speech genre, genre forming elements, concretization units, dialect speech, reminiscence story

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 14729351

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