Comprehensive competency model for ms hospitality and tourism students: a study of the formation of the research and analytical competencies

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During the last decades hospitality and tourism industry has played significant role in the international economy opening extensive opportunities for conducting research and educational activities. However despite significant transformation of this sphere and considerable number of educational programs in this field there is still lack of research in H & T in Russia. We also do not see deep integration of research component into the H&T university education. At the same time the fact that the labour market demands for academic and research competencies is mentioned in professional standards developed as part of Professional standards development plan for 2012 - 2015. Formation of such competencies at the H&T programs can be achieved only by students' involvement in research activities during the study process. This article demonstrates the experience of involving students into such activities by means of introducing regular research seminar aimed at developing relevant competencies as part of the program curriculum. The aim of the article is to present the results of using competence based approach in teaching during the research seminar within the framework of specialization "'Tourism and Hotel Management" of master program "Experience Economy: Hospitality and Tourism Management" at the Faculty of Business and Management at National Research University Higher School of Economics (NRU HSE). Competence based approach used as the methodological basis was developed as part of Bologna process. Main methods include document analysis covering professional standards created as part of Professional standards development plan for 2012 - 2015 under the supervision of Russian federation Ministry for Labor and Social Security; federal state educational standards for higher professional education (bachelor and master programs) that form the framework for Russian universities educational programs implementation; state educational standards for higher professional education/Federal state educational standard for higher professional education/educational standard of NRU HSE. This work resulted in development of a concept of research seminar "Current research trends in hospitality and tourism management". The article presents experience of conducting this seminar.


Competencies, competence based approach, competence model in hospitality and tourism

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IDR: 142227144

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