Computer sports in Russia and REU n.a. Plekhanova

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The purpose of the work is to study the state of the development of e-sports in Russia and in REU and to identify the advantages and disadvantages of e-sports. What is eSports? ESports is a type of competition in various disciplines (or games) between players (or teams of players) from around the world. Officially recognized and ranked with traditional sports, such as football and basketball, in 22 countries. Today, this sport is one of the most popular types of entertainment among young people. The popularity of the e-sports industry today is growing not only among fans of e-sports, but also among investors, sponsors and businessmen. This area of entertainment and business, which appeared in 1997, is today one of the most interesting and popular types of entertainment. Esports provides entertainment to millions of fans around the world in a wide variety of genres, so everyone can find something interesting. Despite its brief history, eSports has quickly gained fans around the world. Esports are best developed in Asia (Korea, Japan, China). In China, e-sports has appeared relatively recently, but teams from this country are already one of the best cyber teams in the world. In Russia, on the contrary, e-sports has existed for a long time, but is not as developed as we would like.


Esports, computer sports, cyber competition

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IDR: 14122476
