Complex of arrangements of social protection of population of the Ryazan region

Автор: Panfilova T.

Журнал: Уровень жизни населения регионов России @vcugjournal

Статья в выпуске: 4 (146), 2010 года.

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Modern trends of development of social sphere, aimed to more efficient use of material and human resources, requires implementation of systemic structural and organizational changes. In conditions of financial economic crisis region budget for 2010 is notable for its social orientation. The priority for us in social sphere for the next 2-3 years still will be healthcare, which requires of the integrated systemic approach. We have to resolve the problems of improvement of public healthcare on the base of increase of accessibility and quality of healthcare for all population of the Ryazan region, of development of preventive activities of healthcare facilities and forming of healthy lifestyle, while increasing effectiveness of use of financial, material and human resources of the branch. Such arrangements would also raise the wage level of the health workers. The analysis showed that branch has domestic reserves for that.


Короткий адрес:

IDR: 143181328

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