Comprehensive scientific research of the Russian Arctic in the context of the geopolitical interests of Russia

Автор: Samarin A.V.

Журнал: Известия Коми научного центра УрО РАН @izvestia-komisc

Статья в выпуске: 1 (53), 2022 года.

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Due to climate change and increased demand for hydrocarbons, the global geopolitical importance of the Arctic is being re-evaluated. The key condition for the development of the Russian Arctic is the transformation of the sector of fundamental and applied science into an integral national scienti c and technical system, which in the long term will meet the «Grand Challenges». In the 20s. XX century. The USSR launched an unprecedented program for the development of the Arctic. To maintain high rates of development of the natural resource potential of the Arctic regions, a network of research organizations has been formed. Soon, the Arctic regions became involved in the development of the national economy. In the 1990s, due to the economy, a sharp decline in the role of the state in the Arctic began.Expanding the resource base of the Arctic, capable of meeting the country's needs in mineral and hydrocarbon raw materials, is impossible without a uni ed state policy. The regulatory framework has identi ed challenges and growth points in the Arctic. The bulk of Arctic research should be carried out by scienti c and educational institutions located in this area. The state offers mechanisms for organizing complex interdisciplinary research. All of them are aimed at concentrating the efforts of researchers on the priority tasks of the development of science and the most important sectors of the country's economy. The article identi es scienti c issues that have a signi cant impact on both the Arctic geopolitical and the global scientific agenda, but have not yet become a priority for our scienti c institutions.


Arctic, history, scientific research, polity in the arctic, networking, grand challenges

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IDR: 149139987

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