An integrated approach to assessing the factors influencing the balanced development of the region

Автор: Kosmacheva N.M., Smirnov D.Yu.

Журнал: Теория и практика общественного развития @teoria-practica

Рубрика: Экономика

Статья в выпуске: 11, 2024 года.

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The article considers the problem of choosing significant factors for monitoring the balance of regional development, and also specifies the classification of factors causing imbalances in socio-economic regional development to diagnose the level of development of the region. It is concluded that the prospects for ensuring balanced spatial development depend on solving issues related to equalizing the imbalances of territorial development, ensuring a balance between economic, social and environmental development. The authors noted that the model of interaction “state-society-business” helps to take into account the needs and interests of various groups. The author’s approach to the classification of factors combined into blocks relevant for use in assessing the balance of regional development, taking into account the prevailing imbalances, is proposed. The blocks of factors are highlighted: economic, socio-infrastructural, socio-cultural, scientific and educational, innovative and technological, environmental, political and legal, sociodemographic, international. The conclusion is made about the importance of a comprehensive analysis of factors to achieve a balanced development of the region.


Balance, sustainable development, factors of regional development, digitalization, regional economic system

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IDR: 149146964   |   DOI: 10.24158/tipor.2024.11.17

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