Complexes of stone products on the site Viyka I (Middle Transural)

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The article is devoted to presentation of unusual complexes of the stone products based on materials of reconnaissance excavation of the site Viyka I in Sverdlovsk region. The site was inhabited tree times in Mesolithic, Neolithic and Early Iron Age. The extraordinary complex of large nucleuses and plates is connected with Neolithic epoch. These products are made of uncommon for Middle Trans-Ural row material, white siliceous rock. The length of plates reaches 12.3 sm., and their width varies from 1,6 sm to 4,5 sm. In general, this complex of macroplates corresponds to the developed Neolithic of the Middle Trans-Ural, which is characterized by the plates 1,8-2,5 sm wide made of light grey siliceous rock. Unusual talk complex belongs to Early Iron Age and consists of 32 items. It contains 2 pebbles, 23 pieces, 2 tools for polishing, a piece with engraving and 4 chips of grinded products. The pebble complex of 576 items also looks unusual. While on most sites such complexes are presented with whole and split pebbles, this complex consists of 4 whole pebbles, 29 split pebbles, 2 anvils, 16 hammers, 267 pebble flakes and 258 microflakes. The analysis of materials shows that there was a workshop on bifaces made of quartz pebbles at that site.


Middle trans-ural, mesolithic, neolithic, early iron age, stone products, macroplates complex, white siliceous rock, talk, quartz, pebble complex, workshop on bifaces

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IDR: 148312720

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