Concepts of cultural development in the Russian social-political thought the end of 19th - the beginning of the 20th century

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This article discusses the concepts of the development of culture that were formed in Russian social and political thought at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries. The formation of cultural approaches was greatly influenced by historical events that took place in this time period in Russian society, as well as the peculiarities of the national thought tradition. The concepts of the development of culture, proposed by the representatives of idealism and Marxism, are aimed at analyzing the most important problems for the development of Russia and the world, such as the dynamics of cultural development, the crisis of culture and options for overcoming it, historiosophical tasks, the features of the historical and cultural process, the place and role of Russia in world civilization.


Culture, cultural development, crisis of culture, russian culture, idealism, marxism

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IDR: 144161121

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