Finite element stress analysis of a total hip replacement in two-legged standing

Автор: Borovkov A.I., Maslov L.B., Zhmaylo M.A., Zelinskiy I.A., Voinov I.B., Keresten I.A., Mamchits D.V., Tikhilov R.M., Kovalenko A.N., Bilyk S.S., Denisov A.O.

Журнал: Российский журнал биомеханики @journal-biomech

Статья в выпуске: 4 (82) т.22, 2018 года.

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This article is dedicated to the investigation ofthe stress-strain state of the biomechanical system containing a hip joint implant and human pelvis bones subjected to the loads corresponding to the standing condition. During the work, the geometric model of the implant is adjusted, a finite element model of the system isprepared and a series of structural analysesis performed. Features of computer analysis of revision endoprosthetics of the acetabular component of the joint are considered. The results of the structural analysis of the system are presented. The main attention is paid to the stresses in the pelvic component of the implantunder the static load on the implant caused by the pretension force in the medical screws and the weight of the patient.


Total hip replacement, finite element analysis, stress and strain state, revision arthroplasty

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 146282106   |   DOI: 10.15593/RZhBiomeh/2018.4.02

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