Conflict reflexive interaction in crime detection

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Improved operative tactic measures of counteracting crime include modelling of typical situations of crime detection, their analysis and estimate, which put forth scientifically proved organizational and tactical solutions. The study of psychological mechanisms revealed in crime detection activity enhances the methodological basis for scientific researches devoted to the problems of crime detection activity in law enforcement agencies. The author focuses on conflict interaction arising in crime detection activity in regard with reflexive game theory. The article presents a classification of individuals actually or potentially counteracting crime detection. The examination of certain aspects of reflexive system “criminal vs law enforcement agencies” in situations of conflict counteraction enables the author to specify four forms of conflict reflexive interaction in crime detection. These forms are the basis for prospective study of certain situations in practical crime detection.


Conflict, crime detection, psychology of crime detection, reflexive game theory, reflection, reflexive system, psychology of conflicts, conflict counteraction

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IDR: 149124724   |   DOI: 10.24411/1999-6241-2018-14015

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