Constructing the image of Siberian North in specialized literature on the north geography of 1920-s

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In 1920-s rather vast territories of the country were referred to the North. Geographical images are models of a particular geographical area, which are designed to achieve a particular goal in a more effective way. In 1920-s specialists, scientists and managers dealing with the North made an effort to construct a positive geographical image of Siberian North, an image able to attract (people, funds, political decisions) but not deter. This fact was reflected in specialized literature on the North geography, mainly in journals and collected articles. They contain arguments for attraction of the North despite arguments against it like the severity of the climate, being unsettled, the lack of infrastructure. Resource potentials of the region, its beneficial location and etc. were pointed out as well. This article focuses on the following aspects of the image of the North as a mental construction: the boundaries of the North, its image in society and among specialists whose work is related to the North.


North of siberia, tobolsk north, an image of the north, geographical image, boundaries of the north, journals

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IDR: 14737093

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