Contacts between the Saltovo-Mayatsk population and the Finno-Ugrians of the Volga region based on the data from the archaeological sources

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Geographical location and tributary relations, led to contacts between the population of the Khazar khaganate and the finno-ugric peoples of the Volga region. These contacts were reflected in the archaeological material. The article reviews the objects of the finno-ugric origin, which were found on the archaeological sites of the saltovo-mayatskaya archaeological culture. Also the article analyzes the distribution of finds and compares them with similar imports in neighboring territories. It allows us to conclude about the different reasons for the penetration of items of the finno-ugric circle of antiquities to the population of the Khazar khaganate.


Khazar khaganate, saltovo-mayatsk culture, early middle ages, finno-ugric peoples, volga region, women’s jewelry

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 143182905   |   DOI: 10.25681/IARAS.0130-2620.274.235-248

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