On a weed component control in the agrophytocenosis of spring wheat using herbicide “Puma Plus”

Автор: Purtov Dmitriy Vladimirovich, Rezanov Nikolay Aleksandrovich, Rendov Nikolay Aleksandrovich, Nekrasova Ekaterina Viktorovna, Mozyleva Svetlana Ivanovna

Журнал: Вестник Омского государственного аграрного университета @vestnik-omgau

Рубрика: Сельскохозяйственные науки

Статья в выпуске: 2 (18), 2015 года.

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Spring soft wheat in the Omsk region is occupying in the structure of the acreage of more than 50%. A major constraint on the growth of grain yield, is a strong weediness of fields. In recent years certain positive tendencies in a solution of the problem of a weediness of fields in Omsk area are noted. In particular, chemical weeding volumes considerably increased, the range of the applied herbicides extended. However, despite the measures taken, weediness of fields continues to remain high. Yield losses from weediness is very great. Decrease in pesticidal loading possibly due to application of the effective combined preparations. Emergence in the market of a new preparation the “Puma Plus” for destruction of dicotyledons and bluegrass weeds, is of great interest. The assessment of its efficiency in relation to conditions of our region demands additional studying. In this regard experiments by definition of an optimum consumption rate of this herbicide were put. Results showed that at a consumption of herbicide 1,3 liters/ga rather effective decrease in a weediness to 70-80% and an essential increase of productivity of grain is provided.


Spring wheat, grain yield, dicotyledons, bluegrass, herbicide, agrophytocenosis, weed component, proportion

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/142199050

IDR: 142199050

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