Convergence of legal and norms the rule-of-law state

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The need for a scientific study of such a problem as the convergence of legal norms between states is due to the emergence of electronic databases, electronic communication on social networks, the Internet and the general computerization of modern society. In today's conditions, in order to get a legal question answered, sometimes it is enough to ask a question in a search system. Most of the laws of these or other countries are kept electronically and freely available, providing guidance or regulatory information. Despite the presence of certain obstacles to the convergence of legal norms between states, the convergence of legal norms is still gradually being implemented. The study of the problems associated with the convergence of legal norms between states suggests that its dynamics will largely depend on the political and economic situation in the world, whose polyvariant nature is obvious.


Philosophy of law, law, comprehensive theory of law, convergence

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IDR: 142233988

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