Corporate culture of the entrepreneurial university: measurement potential

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Nowadays, higher education witnesses significant changes demonstrating gradual transition from «public welfare» organization model to corporate model. These changes are reflected in so-called «entrepreneurial university model» which combines features of an organization which performs social functions by training qualified specialists and a kind of competitive corporation with a wide range of stakeholders. For an organization of such type corporate culture is not only a social «glue» keeping together different staff groups and helping to find overall value basis, but also a strong leverage mechanism for improving competitiveness and successfulness of the company at the educational services market. This article provides justification for using D. Denison theoretical model for evaluating modern university corporate culture. Its peculiar feature is the possibility for evaluating current state of the organizational culture as compared to expected condition in future on the basis of the correlation between certain cultural characteristics and organizational efficacy. The main cultural characteristics of the model include evaluation of the mission; staff engagement and coherence; adaptation to changing environment (internal and external). Using one case, we demonstrate that this model developed for evaluating corporate culture of business companies can be successfully adapted for constructing the university corporate culture profile, as well as for identifying existing problem areas and existing resources for improving the situation.


Entrepreneurial university, corporate culture, denison model

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IDR: 142227200

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