Corporate project management methodology

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Corporate project management methodology is a set of procedures and internal regulatory documents defining them as a set of project manage- ment tools and methods ensuring the implementation of all the company's projects according to uniform rules and standards. In its turn, corporate project management methodology is reflected in corporate project man- agement standards (CPMS). The definition of corporate project manage- ment standard as a top-level document in the structure of internal regulato- ry documents governing project management in a company, which sets out the main provisions, requirements, principles and practices of project man- agement is proposed to be considered by the study. Corporate standard is based on international and Russian management standards, which are sys- tematized in the study. For the majority of Russian companies seeking to use a project-oriented approach in their activities, the most important task is to develop a corporate project management methodology (CPMM), which de- fines the basic concepts, principles, mechanisms and processes of the corpo- rate project management system (CPMS), which, along with projects may also include programs and project portfolios...


Project management, corporate project management methodology, corporate project management system, corporate project management standard, management, methods, stages

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IDR: 140244059

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