Corpus analysis of metaphors with the target domain “Russia”(based on the material of modern American discourse)

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This article presents a fragment of the study of political metaphors involved in shaping the image of Russia in American discourse. Using corpus technologies, an array of material was analyzed in an original way from the NOW English-language corpus (electronic versions of articles from American newspapers and magazines (May 2013 - December 2016), dominant metaphorical models, their most frequent frames, the models’ discursive characteristics, and pragmatic potential were revealed. The significance of the work is the use of corpus linguistics methods to study political metaphors, which greatly enriches the set of methods for studying political metaphors, increasing the representativeness and objectivity of the results obtained.


Корпус now, corpus linguistics, now corpus, methods of corpus analysis, cognitive-discursive approach, metaphor, political discourse, image of Russia

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IDR: 147154059   |   DOI: 10.14529/ling170205

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