Correction of microbiocenosis of intestines of piglets under application of additive "Activate WD Max"

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The results of microbiological researches of tests of excrements and operational performance (the gain of live weight, safety and conversion of forage) of the pigs of groups of growing of breeds landrace and large white are presented. The addi-tive "Activate WD MAX" which part organic acids suppressing growth and reproduction of pathogenic microflora and promoting reproduction useful in digestive tract of pigs in breeding in industrial con-ditions of pig factory farm of the Omsk Region with the capacity more than 10 000 heads was added into drinking water of experimental group of ani-mals. For carrying out the experiment two groups of piglets from 37 days were formed and "Activate WD MAX" was added into drinking water through dis-penser, the dosage made 0.25 l/t of water. The du-ration of the experiment was 43 days during which the dynamics of enterobiocenosis was studied and the decrease in the quantity of opportunistic microflora throughout all experiment was observed. The decrease of pH from 6.5 to 4.0 in the first days of addition of "Activate WD MAX" into drinking wa-ter and during all the experiment was established. It was also established that the indicators of piglets of experimental group receiving "Activate WD MAX" significantly surpassed the indicators of efficiency and safety of animals of control group. Average live weight in the animals of experimental group at the age of 80 days was 36.7 kg, and in animals of con-trol group - 35.6 kg. The safety of pigs in control group made 94.3 %, and in experimental it was 98.1 %. The application of preparation "Activate WD MAX" promoted the increase in average daily gain of live mass of piglets by 32 g in comparison with animals of control group.


Piglets, добавка в питьевую воду "активат wd max", additive to drinking water "activate wd max", live weight, safety, conversion of feed, microflora

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140224183

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