Cranioplasty of the craniocerebral firearm wounds

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This article describes experience of primary early (from 15 days to three months), tardy (3-6 months), and late (later than 6 months) cranioplasty after non-penetrating (in most cases) and penetrating craniocerebral firearm wounds in 66 patients. The skull defects were closed by an autogenous bone (kept under the aponeurosis of the anterior abdominal wall), devitalized homobone and protacryl. Long-term results were studied in 40 patients using electrophysiological and immunological studies. All patients reached full social and part labor rehabilitation. Graft rejection was registered in four patients and was caused by infection of the skin wound and rejection. The study showed positive results of early cranioplasty after radical surgical debridement of primary wounds using modern techniques (Samotokin magnetic shafts, brain staining, tidal drainage and others).


Firearm wounds cranioplasty, autogenous bone, surgical debridement, homobone, protacryl

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 14344089

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