Krasnoyarsk in the context of Siberia's globalization in the 21st century: a perspective from the outside

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Krasnoyarsk is one of the most ancient cities in Siberia. As a result of globalization, this city has become a center of multinational culture. Here, in addition to the Russians live Ukrainians, Tatars, Germans, Belarusians, as well as Tajiks, Uzbeks and representatives of other peoples. Today Krasnoyarsk is a large industrial center of Russia. The economic restructuring taking place in the region affected this city as well. And the transition period did not always flow smoothly in the main city of the region and in the province itself. Privatization of factories and factories resulted in a dramatic increase in unemployment and strikes in enterprises. Thus, the global changes taking place in Siberia are directly reflected in the nature of the development of Krasnoyarsk.


Socio-economic transformations, globalization, aftermath of disintegration, dichotomy, rise in unemployment, privatization, multi-ethnic, immigration

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