Criminological study of potential threats to society and the state initiated by the growth of innovations in the field of artificial intelligence, and measures to prevent them

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Introduction: at the moment, the security of society and the state depends on many circumstances. In particular, among scientists and practitioners there is a growing confidence that the designated security can be seriously threatened by the increasing growth of innovative components in the field of artificial intelligence every year. For this reason, the author conducted a criminological study of possible threats to public and state security that occur against the backdrop of the rapid growth of digitalization, as well as the designated technologies. Identification and subsequent detailed study of potential risks in the area under consideration is primarily necessary in order to identify negative consequences, as well as their further minimization.


Criminological research, public safety, new technologies, processes of digitali-zation of society, the danger of machine learning, threats of digitalization, causes of crime, combating crime, law enforcement agencies, risks caused by robotics, implementation of scientific developments, law enforcement practice, combating digital crime, ensuring digital security


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IDR: 143183545   |   DOI: 10.55001/2312-3184.2024.93.87.013

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