Crystallization of calcium-containing phases in aluminum electrolyte

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The specific features of calcium-containing phases crystallization have been investigated in case of industrial electrolyte sampling for the purposes of composition control. The influence of cooling rate on the crystallization has been studied. It was found that the phase NaCaAlF6 was stable in the temperature range of 640-740 ºС. Transformation of NaCaAlF6 into Na2Ca3Al2F14 under cooling or hitting goes with isolation of NaAlF4 at 560-610 ºС. High temperature XRD investigation of individual samples of NaCaAlF6 and Na2Ca3Al2F14 has been cared out. Recommendations on an optimal sampling for XRD control procedure were formulated.


Aluminum melting production, industrial electrolytes, диаграмма состояния системы naf-alf3-caf2, phase-equilibria diagram in the system naf-alf3-caf2, xrd

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IDR: 146114530

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