The scope of persons in respect of whom reports of crimes are checked in order prescribed by article 144 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation

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Today the question of the hour is the definition of the scope of participants of criminal proceedings in respect of whom reports of crime are checked in the manner prescribed by Art. 144 of the Code of Criminal Procedure. The analysis of the criminal procedure legislation shows that the scope of participants in criminal proceedings in respect of whom reports of crime are checked in the manner prescribed by Art. 144 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, shall include: the persons actually detained on suspicion of committing a crime; the persons, who give themselves up at the stage of initiation of a criminal case; the persons, who are indicated as crime perpetrators in a statement, a report; the persons, whose activities are checked at the stage of initiation of a criminal case; the persons against whom the procedure of initiating a criminal case is brought in order of Article 448 of the Code.


Criminal procedure, criminal proceedings, participant, detainee, voluntary surrender, checking reports of a crime

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IDR: 142233765

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