The Crimea during the civil war: historical panorama by brothers Zarubins (rev.: Zarubin A. G., Zarubin V. G. Without winners: from the history of the Civil war in the Crimea. Simferopol, 2008. - 728 p.)

Автор: Karpenko Sergey, Chicheryukin-Meyngardt Vladimir

Журнал: Новый исторический вестник @nivestnik

Рубрика: У книжной полки

Статья в выпуске: 27, 2011 года.

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In the context of the modern study of the Russian Civil War, the article analyses the second edition of monograph by A.G. Zarubin and V.G. Zarubin “Without winners: From the history of the Civil War in the Crimea” (Simferopol, 2008). It is noted that the monograph has obvious merits such as a wide source basis composed of little-known archival documents, newspaper articles, and memoirs; concrete, comprehensive and impartial account of events; and a detailed analysis of economic, social, political and spiritual factors, which had an influence on the development of the Civil War events in the Crimea during 1917–1920.

A. zarubin, v. zarubin, historiography, russian civil war, intervention, bolshevism, white movement, crimea

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