Kayao Culture (comparative analysis)

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The article is devoted to critical analysis of the materials on buril rituals, ceramics and bronzes of Kayao Culture excavated during archaeological investigations at Qinghai Province in 1980-1990. Chinese specialists habitually considered Kayao Culture belonged to the period of Middle and Late Bronze Age (Yin and Western Zhou Dynasties, according historical chronology, or 1600-600 years BC in absolute dates), despite of iron knife found in one grave at Mobula. So vast period of being put under doubt existence of this cultural phenomenon as a one culture. Our investigation gave the reason to reduce the period of Kayao Culture's existence and to determinate it as a period of transition from Bronze Age to Early Iron Age. Kayao's ceramics were divided into two big groups connected with traditions of Middle Asia. Bronze implements also had affinities with Central Asian cultures, f. e. «Stag stones' culture». By their ethnical characteristics the creators of Kayao Culture most likely belonged to ancient Qiang people.


Qinhai, kayao culture, burial rituals, painted pottery, stag stones, ancient qiangs

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/14737075

IDR: 14737075

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