Cultural renaissance in Russia at the turn of XIX-XX centuries: what was reborn?

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This article discusses one of the most famous periods in the history of Russian culture of the XIX - XX centuries. Nicholay Alexandrovich Berdyaev called cultural and spiritual Renaissance. This rise of Russian culture had its background and reasons for reforms 60-70-ies of the XIX century, the flourishing of philanthropy and charity in Russia. One of the key issues of the Russian Renaissance was the introduction to the so-called antiquity of the Russian, i.e. to the Ancient culture of Russia. With the wave of a magic wand the Russian artists, composers, architects, sculptors, turned to Russian traditional culture. It became a powerful impetus to the progressive development of Russian culture in terms of the boundary time. Legitimate, objectively to identify this milestone time not as Silver, but as the Golden age of Russian culture. All the achievements of this time took place not despite, but due to many reasons and prerequisites. Cultural Renaissance in Russia had an enormous impact on world culture.


Cultural renaissance, russian antique, background the renaissance

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