Labor Potential of the Russian Arctic

Автор: Sushko O.P.

Журнал: Arctic and North @arctic-and-north

Рубрика: Social sciences, economics, management

Статья в выпуске: 16, 2014 года.

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Demographic and migratory processes are analyzed, as well as the effect of low life level on the development of labor potential of the regions of the Russian Arctic

Regions, Arctic, North, processes, labor potential, resources, demography, migration, standard of living

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 148319829

Список литературы Labor Potential of the Russian Arctic

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  • Lukin Y.F. Status, sostav, naseleniye Rossiyskoy Arktiki [Status, structure and population of the Russian Arctic]. Arktika i Sever, 2014, no. 15, pp. 57 – 94. Available at: (accessed 10. 05.2014).
  • Zalyvsky N.P. Geopolitika i geoekonomika dlya Rossii: mysly proshlogo, zely - dlya budushchego [Geopolitics and geoeconomics for Russia: thoughts of the past, purposes for the future]. Materialy mezhdunarodnoy nauch. konf. posv. 300-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya M.V.Lomonosova [Materials of International scientific conference, dedicated to 300-year from the M.V.Lomonosov’s birth]. Arkhangelsk, NArFU named after M.V.Lomonosov, 2011, pp. 97-102.
  • Lukin Y.F. Velikiy peredel Arktiki [Great repartition of the Arctic]. Arkhangelsk, Northern Arctic Federal University, 2010, 400 p.
  • Moskalenko M.R., Kropaneva E.M. Osobennosty chelovecheskogo kapitala i razvitie Rossiyskoy Arktiki [Specialities of human capital and development of the Russian Arctic]. Arktika i Sever, 2013 no. 13, pp. 40-44. Available at: upload/uf/451/aan_2013_13.pdf (accessed 09.05.2014).
  • Korchak E.A. Gosudarstvennaya podderzhka social’nogo razvitiya Severa i Arktiki na sovremennom etape [State support of social development of the North and Arctic at the modern stage]. Razvitiye Severa i Arktiki: problemy i perspektivy, Materialy mezhregional’noy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferencii. Apatity 14-16 noyabrya 2012 [Development of the North and Arctic: problems and perspectives, Materials of interregional science-practical conference. Apatity, November, 14-16, 2012]. Apatity, 2012, pp. 189-181. Available at: (accessed 15.06.2014).
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