Lexicographic description of Buryat names of meat dishes borrowed by Russian dialects (exemplified by L. E. Eliasov’s and A. E. Anikin’s dictionaries)

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The article is devoted to the lexicographic description of Buryat names of meat dishes borrowed by Russian dialects. The materials of «The Dictionary of Russian Transbaikal Dialects» by L. E. Eliasov and «Etymological Dictionary of Russian Dialects of Siberia: Borrowings from the Uralic, Altaic and Paleo-Asiatic Languages» by A. E. Anikin are used for the study. We have compared the features of representing the names of meat dishes, borrowed by the Russian language from Buryat, in different types of dictionaries. The differences in description of the words, which have been analyzed in the research of Buryat scholars on borrowed vocabulary, from their lexicographic representation in dictionaries are shown.We have defined the meanings of borrowed words in the Russian language and native Buryat words.


Regional russian language, buryat language, borrowed vocabulary, names of meat dishes, lexicographical description

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/148183514

IDR: 148183514   |   DOI: 10.18101/1994-0866-2017-3-19-28

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