Library of mathematical functions with parallelism at the operational level in the Pythagor language

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At present, developed tools and libraries have been designed for imperative and functional programming languages that provide parallelism through processes or threads. There are other alternative approaches to the organization of parallel computing, one of which is implemented in Pythagor - the language of functional-streaming parallel programming, and involves parallelism at the level of operations. The tools of the Pythagor programming language are actively developing, and the repository of predefined functions is expanding. Many mathematical functions have been designed to provide a developer with no less functionality than the math library math.h of the C programming language. A large part of the mathematical functions have been implemented using the Maclaurin’s series. It is both used as an approach of faster and less accurate calculations, in which a predetermined number of elements of the series is calculated without cycles and recursions with the substitution of pre-calculated coefficients in the function code, and as an approach of less rapid and more accurate calculations, in which the elements of the series are calculated dynamically until the desired accuracy is achieved. The development of a library of mathematical functions of a programming language is an applied algorithmic task already implemented in one way or another for a number of existing programming languages. But in many languages, the implementation of algorithms for mathematical functions is hidden from the user, while modern tools of the Pythagor language support an open repository of functions. Additional interest is the possibility of parallelism at the level of operations in the calculation of mathematical formulas in the Pythagor language.


Parallelism at the operation levels, functional-stream programming, algorithms of mathematical functions

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 148321910   |   DOI: 10.31772/2587-6066-2019-20-2-191-196

Список литературы Library of mathematical functions with parallelism at the operational level in the Pythagor language

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  • Технологические аспекты создания, преобразования и выполнения функционально-потоковых параллельных программ / А. И. Легалов [и др.] // Научный сервис в сети Интернет: все грани параллелизма: тр. Междунар. суперкомпьютерной конф. 2013. С. 443-447.
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