Linguistic education in a digital society

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The expansion of the possibility of access to information and the exchange of it also imposes completely new requirements for proficiency in a foreign language, and, accordingly, for its teaching. So, on the part of students, the illusion of constant availability of the necessary information often reduces the motivation to actively obtain and comprehend knowledge, determine their own educational needs. on the part of teachers, various new possibilities of strategy and tactics of the educational process appear, but this also requires from them increased competence in the use of modern information technologies and resources created on their basis. The social demand on the part of society is determined by the modern competence paradigm of education, but that is why, ultimately, priority belongs to forms of education that combine organized classes with independent work.


Linguistic education, information technologies, educational resources, competence paradigm

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 148325201   |   DOI: 10.18137/RNU.V925X.22.03.P.031

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