Literary role of the native language in Kyrgyz poetry

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The article examines the important role of the native language of the Kyrgyz in the formation and development of oral and written literature. At the same time, the works of Kyrgyz poets, improvisers and written literature are considered as one of the stages in the formation and development of the native language. Thanks to the poetry of improvisational poets and written literature of the Kyrgyz people, the scope of their native language has expanded and been enriched. Thus, the special place of Kyrgyz poets, improvisers and writers in the phased development of Kyrgyz oral and written literature in their native language is emphasized. The native language of the Kyrgyz people rose to the highest level at the stage of oral development and managed to create a great epic that has no equal in the world, from the small genres of our people to the Manas trilogy. Kyrgyz professional written literature was considered as the next stage in preserving the great traditions of the people in the development of the literary language.


Native language, poetry of poets, professional poetry, literary language, literary tradition, journalism

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 170205417   |   DOI: 10.24412/2500-1000-2024-6-2-153-156

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